Monday, December 01, 2008

I dropped you off at daycare. You both looked so cute.
You are getting older.
I love you. Your mom loves you. Your mom and I love each other.
I am sitting at my desk during lunch and looking at a picture of the two of you hugging one another.
I am always thinking about you and your mother.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Are people anti-abortion also against in vitro fertilization?

It seems that if you believe that there is a 3 day old person in the womb then you believe that there is a person in the test tube. What will happen to the fertilized eggs in the test tube. The owners of the zygotes may not use them. They may be discarded. Thrown into the garbage.

Why don't I hear a loud call from people to shut down these clinics?

The silence is confusing.

Friday, August 01, 2008

Taking time to say thank you to the people will bring you happiness.

Monday, March 24, 2008

The most important things we have are each other.
Hey girls. Today is you both were in daycare together.
Your mother and I think about you all of the time.